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Growth and the Art of Inner Self.

As time goes on and life gets busy I come to find that it may feel overwhelming. Life sometimes feels like there isnt enough hours in a day to do the things you love, to spend time with the ones you love, or to even have enough energy to make it to the gym after a long day of work. I am here to reassure you that it is possible!! Ive been reading a few books over the past month and if i came to learn anything its that making time for the things you love and to seek self awareness is so important to living a life of happiness. Take time every day even if it just be a few minutes before bed and really bring awareness to your inner self. Let a sense of calm run through you and be in the moment. Like everything else in life it takes practice, but setting aside moments of your day for yourself is not selfish, it is showing that you have compassion for yourself. Compassion for yourself is needed before you can share compassion to the ones around you. Little by little, step by step, your life will grow brighter.

Another day down. <3

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